
April 03, 2013

Episode #107 - Jaws 3-D (1983)


Chopping Mall (1986)
July 27, 2017

Episode #250 - Chopping Mall (1986)

Teen sex, malls, killer robots and the 80's! Just about everything you'd want in a film about such things. Cheesy and poorly acted at times but that won't stop you from liking the hell out of this movie.

Deadly Friend (1986)
June 22, 2017

Episode #249 - Deadly Friend (1986)

Deadly Friend is on many top lists for Wes Craven. Although there are parts of the film that are classic Wes, it feels like the studio may have interfered and deviated from the book a little too much.

Electric Dreams (1984)
June 15, 2017

Episode #248 - Electric Dreams (1984)

Hollywood and computers have always been a bit of an issue in the 80's. Electric Dreams is no different. Although inventive on how technology was used it was completely by accident. Bud Cort as the computers voice is a big plus and saves the film.

Superman III (1983)
June 08, 2017

Episode #247 - Superman III (1983)

With the recent controversy over Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, Joey and Scott head back to Superman's roots and celebrate the greatest Superman film ever made, complete with Richard Pryor as a computer hacker and the infamous junkyard fight.

Death of Jodorowsky's Superman Dune (2013 - 2015)
May 25, 2017

Episode #246 - Death of Jodorowsky's Superman Dune (2013 - 2015)

In the last of this round of listener request episodes, Joey and Scott review two documentaries for Steve Brooks on films that never made it to the big screen, Alejandro Jodorowsky's version of Dune, and Superman Lives starring Nicolas Cage.

Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007)
May 18, 2017

Episode #245 - Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007)

Part of Moviesucktastic's listener request reviews, Joey and Scott tackle the slapstick absurdities of Mr. Bean's Holiday for YouTube vlogger Amy McLean. Also on board, some trailers from 360soundandvision for The Face in the Wall and The Glasses 2.

Krull (1983)
April 13, 2017

Episode #244 - Krull (1983)

Joey and Scott review the notorious Ken Marshall (who?) vehicle, basically Willow meets Star Wars, with a dash of Tron. If you survived the 80's, you still have nightmares about crushed Cyclops and Charlie Bucket's math teacher turning into animals.

Evil Toons (1992)
April 06, 2017

Episode #243 - Evil Toons (1992)

Evils Toons was played on late night Skinemax on a regular basis. Joey never saw it fully until recently and didn't take too well to it's horrible pacing, bad acting and even worse plot structure. Scott was a bit more forgiving (not by much).

Cool World (1992)
March 30, 2017

Episode #242 - Cool World (1992)

Cool World was requested for this weeks show and boy it doesn't disappoint. It's bad, poor decisions were made and a razor thin script that really makes no sense. Bakshi at his lowest and most defeated by studios.

Death Machines (1976)
March 23, 2017

Episode #241 - Death Machines (1976)

Death machines are unstoppable but are they human or not? Can they be killed? If that wasn't enough they throw in a love story that makes zero sense and tease you with a hero who just turns out to to be a weak pathetic wimp. It's bad, really bad.

Summer Blockbusters (2017)
March 16, 2017

Episode #240 - Summer Blockbusters (2017)

Blockbuster season is nearly here and with that comes movies that will either make or break the Spring and Summer season. We talk about movies like Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, Spider-man, Wonder Woman and a whole bunch more. Tune in!

Nocturnal Animals (2016)
March 09, 2017

Episode #239 - Nocturnal Animals (2016)

SPOILER ALERT! We give Nocturnal Animals the proper review it deserves. A film snubbed at this year's Oscars except Best Supporting Actor by Michael Shannon nom. This film is so good you'll also wonder why it wasn't even a mention.

The 89th Oscars LIVE (2017)
February 27, 2017

Episode #238 - The 89th Oscars LIVE (2017)

The 89th Academy awards are finally here! The wives join us for a short while as we commentate on the Oscars for the evening. Join us for every award and flub including the shocking ending as they announce Best Picture.

Oscar talk: Moonlight (2016)
February 24, 2017

Episode #237 - Oscar talk: Moonlight (2016)

Moonlight tells a story of a young boy through manhood. Through all of this you see the troubles and tribulations of what he's going through living in a rough neighborhood of Miami and also trying to survive without anyone knowing he's gay.

Oscar talk: Lion (2016)
February 23, 2017

Episode #236 - Oscar talk: Lion (2016)

When two brothers decide to leave their 3 year old sister behind to fend for herself, young Saroo gets lost and adopted by wealthy Australian white people. As an adult he tries to find his family and still doesn't care about his sister when he does.

Oscar talk: Manchester By The Sea (2016)
February 20, 2017

Episode #235 - Oscar talk: Manchester By The Sea (2016)

SPOILER ALERT! It's VERY hard to review this film without giving something away. Just be warned that if you haven't seen this movie yet you may want to skip this episode until you do. Great film by the way although very depressing.

Oscar talk: Fences (2016)
February 16, 2017

Episode #234 - Oscar talk: Fences (2016)

This is a full card example, porro culpa minus ipsam a accusantium, cupiditate expedita accusamus, perspiciatis magni aliquid cumque facilis rerum eius. Ipsum facilis iste repudiandae ducimus accusamus...

Oscar talk: La La Land (2016)
February 13, 2017

Episode #233 - Oscar talk: La La Land (2016)

La La Land is one of those films that everyone thinks they have to like and that's just not true. You don't have to like this, you don't have to feel it should win Best Picture and you definitely don't have to tell other people to see it either.

Oscar talk: Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
February 09, 2017

Episode #232 - Oscar talk: Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

Mel is back! The ultra real and quite disturbing WWII film delivers on all fronts that an Oscar nominated film should be. Does Mel get Suicide Squad II because of this? Joey thinks so.

Oscar talk: Hidden Figures (2016)
February 06, 2017

Episode #231 - Oscar talk: Hidden Figures (2016)

While although the film is based on true events (a stickler for Joey and a little nitpicky) the message is as powerful had it said based on a true story. One of the best acted films this year and more than deserves the best picture nomination.

Oscar talk: Arrival (2016)
February 02, 2017

Episode #230 - Oscar talk: Arrival (2016)

Arrival is this week's Oscar film on tap. With a compelling story and a solid conclusion it's one of our favorites so far.

Oscar talk: Hell Or High Water (2016)
January 27, 2017

Episode #229 - Oscar talk: Hell Or High Water (2016)

We review the first of nine Best Picture films this year in Hell Or High Water. Listen in as Joey and Scott talk about everything from the writing to the cinematography and why it's important.

Oscar Nominations (2017)
January 26, 2017

Episode #228 - Oscar Nominations (2017)

The Oscar nominations are in! Listen as Joey and Scott talk about them along with the Razzie noms as well.

Death Wish 3 (1985)
January 19, 2017

Episode #227 - Death Wish 3 (1985)

Death Wish not being a stranger to the show as we reviewed it back in episode 171 brings us back into the Death Wish series with part 3! Both Joey and Scott feel this is the best/worst film in the series makes for a fun review. Don't miss it.

Willow (1988)
January 05, 2017

Episode #226 - Willow (1988)

When a director (Ron Howard) has a hit in the film Cocoon and doesn't know what to do next and an overhyped Director/writer (George Lucas) that's famous for only one thing get together, you get Willow! A total clunker.

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