
Episode #200 - Batman v Superman (2016)
Better late than never I guess. Although this is our 200th episode, we recorded it on April 7th 2016. Why the wait? We tried to do something nice but failed miserbly. Instead, enjoy a SPOILER filled review of Batman v Superman! You've been warned.

Episode #199 - Oscar talk: Spotlight (2015)
Although not a bad film, its been recognized and touted by subject matter alone. Nothing new has been brought to the table cinematically and it's dreadfully formulaic. Without the subject matter, mediocre and probably not a Best Picture nominee either.

Episode #198 - Oscar talk: Room (2015)
It's rare when a novel is adapted into its cinematic counterpart leaving you with all kinds of emotions. It's even rarer when the author writes the screenplay for said film and the result isn't a giant steaming pile of...you get the idea.

Episode #197 - Oscar talk: The Revenant (2015)
Our favorite film from all the nominees and definitely what "should" be the clear cut winner. A near perfect film and under an even deeper analysis, it probably is. Innaritu will probably win Best Director as they will definitely split on Best Picture.

Episode #196 - Oscar talk: Mad Max Fury Road (2015)
With Mad Max being a sequel it's surprising it was nominated for Best Picture. What's not so surprising is just how damn good it is. Should it win? Probably not. Would we be disappointed? Not really.

Episode #195 - Oscar talk: The Martian (2015)
The Oscar season begins for Scott and Joey and what better way to kick things off than to review the film The Martian. This review Isn't totally spoiler free, just a heads up. Also, the lack of black Oscar nominees is discussed.

Episode #194 - The Forest (2015) & Oscar Nominations (2016)
Scott gives a spoiler free mini review of the horrible film The Forest. We also go in deep for this year's 2015 Oscar Nominations. A favorite of the show.

Episode #193 - Star Wars January Awakens
Star Wars The Force Awakens is discussed spoiler free and of course our yearly show of talking about and watching ALL the trailers for the bad January films for 2016.

Episode #192 - Saving Christmas (2014)
Joey and Scott celebrate the cinematic holiday season by diving hip-deep into what IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes have dubbed one of the worst Christmas movies of all time, Kirk Cameron's heroic attempt to keep the X out of Xmas, Saving Christmas (2014)

Episode #191 - Eliminators (1986)
More eighties badness as we review Eliminators! After the Mandroid is ordered to be destroyed he escapes only to come straight back to stop the evil scientist who should just be a plastic surgeon. Seriously, the guy is good.

Episode #190 - Gymkata (1985)
Gymkata is one of the pinnacle films that gave Moviesucktastic its humble beginnings. Bad movies like this are what fuels Scott and Joey to do MST. We give Gymkata the review it deserves, or doesn't. You be the judge.

Episode #189 - The Keep (1983)
The Keep was cut so badly by Paramount that Michael Mann hasn't ever revisited the film even for a restored version. There is supposedly a 210 minute cut of the movie too. Everyone loses, especially Scott and Joey.

Episode #188 - Dracula (1992)
Dracula (1992) ends our Halloween reviews for MST this month. We have a special guest, the mysterious Mr. Wilson to help! How does Joey fare against two Wilsons? Tune in and find out!

Episode #187 - Halloween III (1982)
Halloween III may have been directed by Tommy Lee Wallace but has Carpenter's stamp literally everywhere. Shunned when it was released, we give it the proper accolades and review it deserves.

Episode #186 - The Visit (2015)
M. Night Shyamalan's The Visit is actually a film that should put the director on the right path again. Due to the high turnaround of bad found footage films, this one is actually quite refreshing although bringing nothing new to the table. Listen now!

Episode #185 - Innocent Blood (1992)
Vampires and the mafia? In a new look at two age old genres, Scott ended up liking the film more than Joey. A horrible French accent, allowing said French accent to narrate, stereotypical Italian portrayals. Surprisingly could have been worse.

Episode #184 - Loverboy (1989)
When slacker Randy (Patrick Dempsey) flunks college he ends up getting a Summer job delivering pizza and realizing that College is where he belongs. Along the way he unintentionally becomes the "love doctor of Beverly Hills". Extra anchovies please!

Episode #183 - The Last American Virgin (1982)
The Last American Virgin is an 80's teen sex comedy where creepy sexless Gary falls instantly in love with Karen. The soundtrack is great and Joey liked it more than Scott but he can't let go of how much they recycle the same songs. Priorities man.

Episode #182 - Wes Craven Tribute
Wes Craven has always been known for his horror films. For the most part they've been pretty good. Well the film My Soul To Take is arguably his worst film. In our own way, we celebrate the man who helped define horror as we know it.

Episode #181 - It Follows (2014)
The movie It Follows has garnered quite a bit of attention since its release. Very well reviewed and very well received, until Scott saw it. Hear the review and decide for yourself.

Episode #180 - DUNE (1984)
After a small hiatus we review DUNE! The film, nearly as long as the hiatus even had Lynch say it was a mistake. We review the Alan Smithee cut of the film along with reminiscing about our old days of movie going.

Episode #179 - Jurassic World (2015)
Jurassic World broke the opening weekend record, is going on to be one of the biggest films ever made and still worse than the previous three movies. Were people jonesing that much for a new dinosaur movie? Yes, apparently.

Episode #178 - Venom (1981)
When Tobe Hooper was removed from Venom for creative differences Scott and Joey never wondered why. They say there isn't one scene left in this movie that Hooper shot. Find out what we had to say.

Episode #177 - Poltergeist (1982 and 2015)
A remake like Poltergeist can either be really good or really bad. Considering the first film is still such a classic was there really any other way than bad? We talk a lot about both films, Spielberg and Hooper!