
Episode #175 - The Black Cat (1934) The Raven (1935)
Bela Lugosi was a huge star of his time. Was he a great businessman? Probably not. Listen in as Scott and Joey review The Black Cat and The Raven all while talking about Satanism, Edgar Allen Poe and Hollywood.

Episode #174 - The Punisher (1989)
THE GUILTY WILL BE PUNISHED! Marvel has had a bad rap for comic book films and this is no different. Before everything turned around for them they were making films like The Punisher. We had fun on this one.

Episode #173 - Dead Heat (1988)
If you like lots of terrible one liners, semi decent special effects or just Joe Piscopo, this is the film for you. We no good reason to recommend this film to anyone but we kinda like it. We know it's bad and we're really OK with that.

Episode #172 - Wise Guys (1986)
In a surprise Scott vs Joey episode, we find out that Joey is just too exhausted to challenge Scott's accusations that the film Wise Guys is poorly acted and unfunny. Joey on the other hand feels the complete opposite.

Episode #171 - Death Wish (1974)
Special guest Geno Cuddy joins the show to promote his new Local Access cable show Geno In the Evening. Also on tap is Joey and Scott's review of Death Wish. Clown Hammer!

Episode #170 - Times Square (1980)
This film takes place when NYC was still the sleazy sex driven porn laced city that it was. A coming of age story where two inner city girls meet and become unlikely friends. Surprisingly, there is quite a bit to the story. Check it out.

Episode #169 - Snowpiercer (2013)
When you get a call from your co-host slightly drunk at a late hour asking to review a film, you oblige. We review the film Snowpiercer in all its "back of the bus" whacked mentality. Check out what Scott and Joey thought.

Episode #168 - Phantom Of The Paradise (1974)
The very first Scott vs Joey episode didn't go as planned. In what was a film (Phantom of the Paradise) Joey hated years ago and Scott loved, we find that Joey didn't hate it nearly as much as an adult and if it's at all possible Scott loves it even more.

Episode #167 - 87th Academy Awards Live Coverage (2015)
It's the 2015 Oscars and Scott and Joey are bringing it to you live, raw and completely off the cuff. We go through every award all while keeping a tally on who's winning the printable ballots we filled out. It's a fun show, check it out.

Episode #166 - Oscar Talk: The Imitation Game (2014)
Alan Turing, the father of the computer was one of the biggest reasons World War II ended. He was able to create a machine that would crack the Nazis Enigma code. Our final Oscar film review and one of the better ones too.

Episode #165 - Oscar Talk: Selma (2014)
>Selma rarely amazes and many other films have done the same better. It's an otherwise OK movie but feel it probably shouldn't have been nominated in the first place. Joey's PC crashes yet again and Scott tries to stay away from politics during the review.

Episode #164 - Oscar Talk: Birdman (2014)
Birdman is the type of film you may not know you like until after you see it. Everything in the film is done so well if you don't keep your eye on it you may miss something. We highly recommend it.

Episode #163 - Oscar Talk: Whiplash (2014)
Whiplash is the kind of film you may feel a bit tense throughout the entire runtime. The reason? J K Simmons performance is outstanding. Nothing truly new brought to the table but what is brought is done damn well and to near perfection.

Episode #162 - Oscar Talk: The Theory of Everything (2014)
The Theory of Everything is this week's Oscar film up for review. Scott and Joey take a long look at the film, the story behind it and of course the Hawkman himself! He even stops by and says a few words throughout the show.

Episode #161 - Oscar Talk: Boyhood (2014)
Richard Linklater's uninspiring, slow, when is something going to happen movie is nominated for best picture and Scott and Joey just don't know why. The odds of this film winning best picture are just too great for us to be comfortable with that.

Episode #160 - Oscar Talk: American Sniper (2014)
Chris Kyle was known to be the deadliest sniper in US history. In this special hybrid episode (also uploaded on Strangers) Scott and Joey talk about the movie, the book and most importantly Chris Kyle.

Episode #159 - Oscar Talk: The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
Does Wes Anderson finally have his best picture? Scott and Joey really hope so. Despite their dissatisfaction with the aspect ratio (Joey hated it more) it's a damn near perfect film.

Episode #158 - Oscar Talk: Nightcrawler (2014)
It's Oscar time! With the 2014 nominees being announced Scott and Joey spend some time and discuss. We also review the amazing film Nightcrawler (2014)

Episode #157 - Bugsy Malone (1976)
Bugsy Malone is a man about town in this all kid cast. Nothing like this has been done before and or since this film came out. Joey and Scott have fond memories from their childhood with a new perspective as adults.

Episode #156 - Zapped! (1982)
When local nerd Barney (Baio) accidentally gets becomes a victim of his own experiment he gains super telekinetic powers in the process. His best friend Peyton (Aames) sees this as a huge opportunity and hilarity ensues.

Episode #155 - Street Trash (1987)
The best melt movie ever made? It's none other than Street Trash. A film with layers other than dirt. When a local liquor store owner finds bottles of Tenafly viper he starts selling them to the local homeless, they start melting!

Episode #154 - Maniac Cop (1988)
A deranged ex-cop is going around killing innocent people and frames Bruce Campbell (Jack Forrest) for the whole thing. A stellar performance by Tom Atkins a no nonsense detective really brings this film home. Bruce ain't bad either.

Episode #153 - Shocker (1989)
Shocker can be campy at times but it's one of Scott and Joey's favorite 80's slasher horror movies. Serial killer Horace Pinker (Mitch Pileggi) steals the movie with a great performance where you're almost rooting for him.

Episode #151 - Guilty As Charged (1991)
When Rod Steiger (Kallin) decides that the justice system is broken, he hunts down and electrocutes the very criminals that have gotten away with murder because of it.