
Episode #150 - The Last Dragon (1985)
The Last Dragon is what we attempt to review this week. We have special guest Christian Wollner and Live Stream decides to crash my entire system all during our milestone 150th episode. Luckily I was able to salvage the show. Enjoy!

Episode #149 - YouTube Sucks!
YouTube sucks! They will flag, dispute and take down videos of our show all under Fair use and we've had it. Share Scott and Joey's disgust in this very special FU episode to YouTube.

Episode #148 - Jury Duty (1995)
When Pauly Shore has nowhere to live he decides that Jury Duty isn't such a bad idea after all. As he milks the system you only wish you were having your prostate milked instead.

Episode #147 - Rappin' (1985)
Rappin' (1985) is a lot less tough than it looks. No one can rap. No one can dance. And no one can certainly act. It's so bad Ice T had to rap over Mario Van Peebles voice.

Episode #146 - Breakin' (1984) 2 Electric Boogaloo (1984)
Breakin' and Breakin' 2 Electric Boogaloo are on tap this week. It's the same film different titles, or is it same title different films, or maybe same genre but different plot structure? Ahhh, who gives a crap really?

Episode #145 - Exterminator 2 (1984)
The Exterminator is back and cheesier than ever. Set in the not so distant future where break dancing and drugs rule the streets, John is back one more time to clean it all up!

Episode #144 - The Exterminator (1980)
When John's best friend is attacked by the Ghetto Ghouls he takes action into his own hands and pleads to clean the city. A misleading poster, a clone of many other vigilante flicks and some of the worst pacing, foreshadowing and editing around.

Episode #143 - Savage Streets (1984)
What do you get when you have Linda Blair in the beginning stages of the downward spiral of her career? That's right, Savage Streets! When her sister is raped and nearly beaten to death she goes on a vigilante death spree for REVENGE!

Episode #142 - Streets (1990)
Christina Applegate is Dawn, a hooker whose love for heroin has brought her to the Streets. When she's almost killed by a serial killer, her and her new city boyfriend (and everyone she knows) find themselves fighting for their lives to get away from him.

Episode #141 - Wild Thing (1987)
When a little boy watches his parents murdered by (Robert Davi) he's taken in by a crazy homeless woman who raises him as her own. Instead of being put in a shelter and foster care he's raised in the streets and becomes Wild Thing!

Episode #140 - Sheena (1984)
Tanya Roberts stars as Sheena, a telepathic soothsayer of all animals of the jungle. When the King is killed in a plot to make money over land and unobtainium, err sorry, Sheena and her new city boyfriend find themselves fighting for their lives.

Episode #139 - The Beastmaster (1982)
The Beastmaster isn't just something my wife calls me, it's also our review this week. Join in the fun of this childhood classic that Scott and I grew up with. Swords, witchcraft, peta problems and oh yeah, bat shit crazy Rip Torn.

Episode #138 - Defending Your Life (1991)
When Albert brooks dies in a car accident he's sent to Judgment City to defend his life. Everything is perfect about it except it's also unfortunately the deciding ground of whether you move on or get sent back to earth to try it all over again.

Episode #137 - Visiting Hours (1982)
Michael Ironside has always been a solid but completely underused character actor. This film is no different. Does it fit the bad movie mold? A fun bad flick? Hell yes! Should Michael Ironside be wearing a leather wife beater? Probably not.

Episode #136 - Hammer Of The Gods (2013)
In a world of ash and death it seems that all the hip Norsemen like listening to dub step. I'm guessing when they aren't over acting and spending as little money as possible on the film they are tripping balls with glow sticks somewhere in a cave.

Episode #135 - Leonard Part 6 (1987)
Bill Cosby decided to make a movie in 1987 called Leonard Part 6 that he was directly responsible for. Scott and Joey have decided to review that movie from a listener suggestion. Bad idea.

Episode #134 - Philip Seymour Hoffman
In this episode Scott and Joey shamelessly whore themselves out by doing an entire show on Philip Seymour Hoffman movies due to his recent death. It's actually not that bad.

Episode #133 - The Wolverine (2013)
How many topics can Joey and Scott get sidetracked on while trying to review yet another wildly mediocre superhero film that shoots its creative wad in the first ten minutes? Listen in and find out.

Episode #132 - Total Recall (1990 and 2012)
Recall, recall, recall!! Both the original and remake of Total Recall are reviewed and inspected. Joey was angrier last but lost steam for the actual show. We also play fan voicemail.

Episode #131 - 2013 Oscar Nominations
The 2013 Oscar Nominations are out and we go over each category with a fine tooth comb. Listen in and hear Scott and Joey talk too much about Gravity.

Episode #130 - APE (1976)
APE, not to be confused with King Kong! Released in 1976 the same year as the De Laurentiis King Kong remake. Based on that alone one would have to know this film has more than a few problems.

Episode #129 - Christmasucktastic 2013!
Christmasucktastic is upon us! Scott and Joey talk about their favorite Christmas movies and play scenes from each one. Enjoy!

Episode #128 - Runaway (1984)
Michael Critchton is a horrible writer and film director. It's proven yet again with his horrible futuristic film of Runaway. Will the mustache man beat the tongue guy? Find out!

Episode #127 - Thanksgiving Movies!
Happy Thanksgiving! We talk about films that take place on or around the holiday of Thanksgiving. Films like Alice's restaurant, Dutch, Planes, Trains & Automobiles plus more!

Episode #126 - Staying Alive (1983)
A sequel to Saturday Night Fever? The film? Staying Alive. The Director? Sylvester Stallone. Unfortunately only one of us had to sit through 90 minutes of Travolta doing Jazz hands as the other host watched the wrong film. Find out who it was!