
Episode #350 - King Kong (1976)
We went big for 1976 in the remake of King Kong. This film is mediocre at best and the performances as well. Charles Grodin is excellent as the corporate sleeze though.

Episode #349 - The Omen (1976)
The critically popular The Omen is this week's we review. While we both agree that the cinematography is excellent, many other aspects of the film are a bit to be desired. Is it bad? No not really. We respect the film and what it took to make it.

Episode #348 - Assault On Precinct 13 (1976)
We review a classic this week in John Carpenter's Assault On Precinct 13. Don't expect too many complaints but very good observation this week.

Episode #347 - Mother, Jugs and Speed (1976)
It's true that Joey liked this film way more than Scott. So much in fact that the score at the end had to be discussed a bit more than usual.

Episode #346 - The Food Of The Gods (1976)
H.G. Wells probably would have never expected so many of his stories and literature would be made into film, horrible, low budget, poorly acted film. Poor bastard.

Episode #345 - Massacre At Central High (1976)
The film Massacre At Central High is the film Heathers was inspired by. So much even that the ends are pretty much the same and the characters are similar too.

Episode #344 - Logan's Run (1976)
You can't review 70's films without a bunch of futuristic Sci-Fi movies. Logan's run is one of the most famous. Does it hold up all these years later?

Episode #343 - Escape To Witch Mountain (1975)
So Scott's challenge to Joey of Escape To Witch Mountain has Joey all fired up. Not in a good way though. Expect rants and possible foaming of the mouth.

Episode #342 - Race With The Devil (1975)
We go back to our format before the Oscar nominations. We're back in 1975 and we review race With The Devil.

Episode #341 - Oscar Talk: Oscar Wrap Up Show (2021)
So the Oscars are all finished and the winners are all in! We go over every category and count up our ballots. Who won this year Joey or Scott?

Episode #340 - Oscar Talk: Promising Young Woman (2020)
This week we review Promising Young Woman. While it probably won't win Best Picture (Although it probably should) it's an excellent film and realistically the best one nominated this year.

Episode #339 - Oscar Talk: The Father (2020)
In what is undoubtably the best performance this year by Anthony Hopkins, this is an excellent film. Best Picture? Maybe not. Best actor for Hopkins? Probably.

Episode #338 - Oscar Talk: Mank (2020)
Hollywood tends to mirror itself sometimes. That's why when we reviewed Mank we knew why most people didn't like it. Is it flawed? Yes. Is it grand? Yes. Should it win Best Picture? Joey thinks so but not why you think.

Episode #337 - Oscar Talk: Sound Of Metal (2020)
In this weeks Oscar show we review Sound Of Metal. This is the film Scott really didn't want to see and it's the first film Joey saw before it was nominated. Two different viewpoints on this one.

Episode #336 - Oscar Talk: The Trial Of The Chicago 7 (2020)
Another true story about 7 individuals who were hand picked in a political trial for starting the 1968 riots in Chicago during the Democratic Nation Convention. Did they? Was it started by police? Is their judge unfit? All valid questions.

Episode #335 - Oscar Talk: Judas and the Black Messiah (2021)
The true story of the Black Panthers in the 60's lead by Fred Hampton. When a young car theif Bill O'Neil gets caught stealing cars the FBI uses him as an informant to gain information and leverage on the Black Panthers.

Episode #334 - Oscar Talk: Minari (2020)
Loosely but maybe not so loosely based on director Lee isaac Chung's life growing up on a farm in Arkansas. The story of the life and struggle of a Korean family's move from the west coast to rural Arkansas. Listen in as we discuss this one.

Episode #333 - Nomadland (2020)
While although a film, it moves and acts like a documentary in parts. Based on the book Nomandland it's an interesting take on the life and actions of people who choose to live a nomad lifestyle.

Episode #332 - Oscar Nominees (2020 - 2021)
Everything is a little different this year. The Academy has allowed films from 2021 through February to be nominated due to the pandemic. Netflix leads the way with 35 nominations and over 200 million subscribers. We even talk Razzies.

Episode #331 - Deep Red (1975)
Scott has never been into war films even though he liked Hacksaw Ridge. As good as that was, 1917 is an incredible piece of film making. Everything from the score to the cinematic landscapes. Scott didn't feel the same way.

Episode #330 - A Boy And His Dog (1975)
A post-apocalyptic future where a boy can telepathically communicate with his dog. They need each other to survive but the boy mostly needs the dog to meet chicks. Well, a bit more than that.

Episode #329 - Night Of The Seagulls (1975)
A new doctor comes into town while the old one leaves. Of course, the old doctor gives a warning to not go out at night. Of course, they don't listen while the female virgins of the town are being sacrificed.

Episode #328 - Ilsa She Wolf Of The SS (1975)
Ilsa likes to experiment on her prisoners for the Nazis. She also likes to sleep with the men and when they can't satisfy her, exterminate them.

Episode #327 - Doc Savage (1975)
The Man Of Bronze and his Fabulous 5 set out on an adventure to find out how Doc Savage's father died. Will they uncover it? Does Doc even need help? Will The Man Of Bronze win the day?