

eXXXotica Expo & Avatar XXX Review
February 01, 2011

Episode #25 - eXXXotica Expo & Avatar XXX Review

>Scott and Joey finally discuss their trip to the eXXXotica Expo in Edison NJ and also review the better film This Ain't Avatar XXX!

Daybreakers (2009)
January 17, 2011

Episode #24 - Daybreakers (2009) & Spierig Bros.

Scott reviews Daybreakers and rips Joey's heart out for thinking the film was "OK". The Spierig bros. are twin freaks. Scott defends Spierig bros. film "Undead" and Scott takes an online course for Literature On Film.

SAW 3D (2011)And AVATAR Porn
January 11, 2011

Episode #23 - SAW 3D (2011)And AVATAR Porn

Saw 3D, Avatar Porn, The Hobbit, Paranormal Activity 2, Roger Ebert's Jaw, Joey flaunts his Paranormal Activity 2 predictions, and Scott Rants about movies featuring rich people with problems.

Bad Movie Day 2010
November 20, 2010

Episode #22 - Bad Movie Day 2010

The one year anniversary of Moviesucktastic is here! How do we celebrate? With a Bad Movie Day of course! Listen to us read fan mail and talk about the nominated films!

3Diculous! 3D Movies Of (2010)
August 26, 2010

Episode #21 - 3Diculous! 3D Movies Of (2010)

Joey and Scott cover 3D movies from 2009, 2010 and upcoming 2011, all while doing shots for every other film. The top 10 is also covered.

Transformers 2 and G.I. Joe (2009)
August 21, 2010

Episode #20 - Transformers 2 and G.I. Joe (2009)

Our Movie challenges of Joey to Scott (GI Joe) and Scott to Joey (Transformers 2) are talked at length. Listen to us talk about how decent TF2 was and how mind numbingly bad G.I. Joe was.

The Expendables (2010)
August 16, 2010

Episode #19 - The Expendables (2010)

The Expendables kicks the chick flick Eat, Pray Loves ass! Also Predators is reviewed. Scott reads hate mail from a Twilight fan and explodes on James Cameron...again

Inception (2010)
July 19, 2010

Episode #18 - Inception (2010)

Scott and Joey both talk a bit about the new film Inception and mention how dumb film reviewer Sandy Kenyon is. They also draw comparisons to the film Dreamscape.

Twilight: Eclipse (2010)
July 02, 2010

Episode #17 - Twilight: Eclipse (2010)

Scott forces himself to go to a midnight showing to review Twilight: Eclipse after Joey bails on Him. Also covered is the action comedy Killers.

The A-Team at the Drive-in (2010)
June 14, 2010

Episode #16 - The A-Team at the Drive-in (2010)

The A-Team at the Drive-in. Scott covers Te Karate Kid, The A-Team, Drive ins and the fact that Joey is still missing.

Box Office For Apr 30-May 2
May 03, 2010

Episode #15 - Box Office For Apr 30-May 2

Scott does the weekend boxoffice for April 30-May 2. He reviews How to Train Your Dragon Glen Beck style. Joey's gone missing! He's thought to be kidnapped by Avatar Fans!

Box Office For Apr 23-25
April 26, 2010

Episode #14 - Box Office For Apr 23-25

Scott talks about the Weekend Box office for April 23-25

82nd Academy Awards
April 23, 2010

Episode #13 - 82nd Academy Awards

Scott & Joey do their show during a live telecast of the Oscars. All the awards and movies picked apart on a live and totally off the cuff style.

Box Office
April 18, 2010

Episode #12 - Box Office For Apr 16-18

Scott runs this episode solo and talks about the Weekend Box office for april 16-18

Valentine's Day Special
February 13, 2010

Episode #11 - Valentine's Day Special

In this very special Valentine's Day episode you'll hear us shoot off about To Live & Die in L.A., Eastern Promises, The Crying Game, The Piano, The Indian runner, Bad Lieutenant, The Brown Bunny and much more!

Women In Love (1969) & Looker (1981)
February 09, 2010

Episode #10 - Women In Love (1969) & Looker (1981)

Women In Love & Looker, The Top Ten, The Finger List, Runaway, Oscars, Figs, Tom Rosovitch, Michael Critchton, Tom Selleck and much more!

Heaven's Gate (1980) & Robocop 3 (1993)
February 02, 2010

Episode #9 - Heaven's Gate (1980) & Robocop 3 (1993)

The weekend top ten box office films, The Finger List, James Cameron, Avatar fans, Pre-Oscar talk, Transformers 2, Movie challenges of Heaven's Gate and Robocop 3!

2010 Sequels Special!
January 26, 2010

Episode #8 - 2010 Sequels Special!

Listen to Scott and Joey talk about the top ten box office films, The Finger List, announce the winner of the 100th Facebook fan and most importantly our sequels list of 2010!

December 22, 2009

Episode #7 - Avatar Special! (2009)

In this special episode of Moviesucktastic we talk nothing BUT Avatar! Fresh from seeing the film hear what Joey and Scott have to say about it.

November 11, 2009

Episode #6 - Pre-Holiday

We talk about A Christmas Carol (2009), Top 10, The Finger List, Law Abiding Citizen, Revolver, Boonedock Saints, Paranormal Activity, Friday the 13th Series, V Series (2009)

Halloween Special!
October 27, 2009

Episode #5 - Halloween Special!

SAW VI, C.H.U.D., Return Of The Living Dead, Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer, John Walsh, Seven, The Blair Witch Project, Peter Jackson, Avatar, Scott's Cinematic Confession: Linnea Quigley's Horror Workout.

Christian Horror
October 20, 2009

Episode #4 - Christian Horror

Christian horror films Thr3e, House and Black Roses. Also mentioned are A Civil Action, Hannibal, White Man's Burden and how Dark City fought for its name.

2009 & 2010 Remakes Special!
October 13, 2009

Episode #3 - 2009 & 2010 Remakes Special!

Remakes for 2009 and 2010 (as well as our own suggested future remakes), our general hatred of Tim Burton, Drag Me To Hell

Movie Challenge Premier
October 08, 2009

Episode #2 - Movie Challenge Premier

Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Lost Boys 2, masturbation, forced urination (again), Tommy Wiseau, Tom Savini

The Beginning
October 01, 2009

Episode #1 - The Beginning

Dead Snow, Harry Potter, Rabid Dogs, Canadian horror films, severed fingers, DVD commentaries, Rue Morgue magazine, forced urination, cough drop

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