
Episode #100 - Argo and Les Miserables (2012)
In our special 100th milestone episode Scott and Joey have absolutely nothing special planned. That's right...we just review two Oscar noms Les Miserables and Argo.

Episode #99 - Django Unchained (2012)
Django! Django! Scott and Joey review the new Tarantino film Django Unchained. Nearly a perfect film and one of his best. Scott also gives a mini review of Paranormal Activity 4.

Episode #98 - The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Wes Anderson and Tyler Durden stop by and help review The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey. We go around the table round robin style. We also cover this year's Oscar Nominations for 2012.

Episode #97 - 3Diculous 2013
3Diculous! There is definitely no shortage of 3D movies in 2013. So much even, that we go above and beyond for our annual show this year.

Episode #96 - January Preview 2013
January Film Release Preview! Tune in and get psyched to ring in the new year with the worst that Hollywood has to offer!

Episode #95 - Silent Night (2012)
Your special friends Joey and Scott celebrate the yuletide season by reviewing the latest horror film remake to hit the big screen, Silent Night, the remake of the classic controversial holiday slasher flick Silent Night, Deadly Night. Merry Christmas.

Episode #94 - The Wizard (1989) Super Mario Bros (1993)
Strap on your tool belt, grab your lunchbox full of dead sister, dose up on mushrooms, and begin your electronic vision quest with two of the longest, most expensive Nintendo game commercials in history, Super Mario Bros. and The Wizard!

Episode #93 - Knight and Day (2010)
Joey and Scott return after a brief medical hiatus to tackle the enigma that is Tom Cruise, in the film that is Knight and Day. All you Cruise fanatics can rinse and spit with this one; it's smiles and sunglasses all the way!

Episode #92 - James Bond
Bond, James Bond! We review both Timothy Dalton Bond films The Living Daylights and Licence To Kill. We also talk a bit about the new Bond film Skyfall as well.

Episode #91 - Box Office for Nov 9 - Nov 11
Hurricane Sandy may have taken Joey's power away but not his will to live. The boys delve back into the podcast scene and do an extensive Top Ten and Finger list. We also stray a bit and give our two cents in on other films as well.

Episode #90 - Atlas Shrugged (2011)
Scott runs the show solo as Joey is gone. In the meantime Scott does the Top Ten all while making fun of how thorough Joey is. He also does the Finger List and as a special treat, reviews Atlas Shrugged.

Episode #89 - End Of Year 2012
System failure! We attempt to talk about what movies are coming out until the end of the year. Unfortunately Joey's system crashes twice due to Livestream. Joey should have never spoke ill of it.

Episode #88 - Movie Roundup
Movie Roundup! Scott and Joey talk about what flicks they've seen recently like The Cabin in the Woods, The Avengers, our movie collections and more! Top Ten and Finger List as well.

Episode #87 - Rubber (2010) & Haywire (2011)
Rubber and Haywire are the flicks reviewed this week. We go into detail on each one and pay special attention to rating them on IMDB.

Episode #86 - Megaforce (1982)
Deeds not words. The high budgeted action sci-fi flic Megaforce is reviewed. Gold Lame Jumpsuits, nuff said.

Episode #85 - BMX Bandits (1983) & RAD (1986)
Special guest Chrisitian helps out with the review duties this week for BMX Bandits and RAD. Nostalgia has us flashing back to our childhood. Also, The Top Ten and Finger List.

Episode #84 - Political Movies
Political films are reviwed and discussed in this very special episode due to the Republican GOP being this week. We talk about everything from Network to Brazil.

Episode #83 - Heavy Metal (1981) & Rock & Rule (1983)
Heavy Metal Rock and Rule! Both films are reviewed and remembered from our youth. We also feel it necessary to stick to true show format as we review Heavy Metal 2000. What garbage. We also reflect on the late Tony Scott.

Episode #82 - Going Ape! (1981)
Tony Danza crotch shot and three orangutans! Need more? We review the seldom funny Going Ape! We do the Top Ten and the Finger list with a special guest, Papa Guiseppe!

Episode #81 - V/H/S (2012)
V/H/S review! Find out what Scott and Joey liked most about the this new found footage horror flick. Nostalgia and gore go quite well together. Also reviewed are The Silent House and its remake Silent House.

Episode #80 - Freaky Farley (2007)
Freaky Farley Peeping Tom! We review the Indie flick Freaky Farley and we didn't hate it! It has a campy feel you'll enjoy and the quality of film won't make you cringe. Just don't ask Farley about his mother.

Episode #79 - Dark Knight Rises Controversy
Dark Knight Rises controversy plus more industry news and as always the Top Ten and Finger List.

Episode #78 - Cool as Ice (1991)
Cool As ice is? Not even close. Scott and Joey with special guest Shawn Phillip Heinze Esquire review the Vanilla Ice flop. We talk about the film, action figures, The Finger List and The Top Ten.

Episode #77 - Men In Black 3 (2012)
Men In Black 3 is reviewed and you may be surprised by what the boys think. We also talk about other films we've seen and as always The Top Ten and Finger List.