
May 12, 2016

Episode #208 - Frankenhooker (1990)


John Carter (2012)
June 07, 2012

Episode #75 - John Carter (2012)

Back to back podcasts with movies starring Taylor Kitsch. We review the megabomb John Carter. Scott has a Cinematic Confession and we do movie news as well.

Battleship (2012)
May 31, 2012

Episode #74 - Battleship (2012)

Predictable, cliche and awfully acted come to mind after seeing Battleship. It should be fun but it's not. We also do The Top Ten and Finger List. You sank my...Never mind.

Summer Blockbusters 2012
May 17, 2012

Episode #73 - Summer Blockbusters 2012

Want to know what blockbusters are coming out this Summer? Look no further! Scott and Joey talk Summer blockbusters of 2012 and also do The Top Ten and Finger List.

Van Helsing (2004)
May 10, 2012

Episode #72 - Van Helsing (2004)

We cover John Travolta news, The Top Ten, The Finger List and we review the big budget excuse for a film Van Helsing all while Scott drinks too much wine.

The Hunger Games (2012)
May 03, 2012

Episode #71 - The Hunger Games (2012)

This week Scott and Joey review The Hunger Games, do movie news and Joey tries to pay attention while watching Hockey!

King Kong (2005)
April 28, 2012

Episode #70 - King Kong (2005)

We review Peter Jackson's King Kong. Is the film too long? You bet! Is it overhyped? Correct again! The Top Ten, Finger List and for the second straight week, technical difficulties!

Titanic (1997)
April 19, 2012

Episode #69 - Titanic (1997)

We review Titanic all while having technical difficulties during the show. Ironic. We're back to form doing The Top Ten, Finger List and Scott brings back The Terrible Game reads!

Snakes On A Plane (2006)
April 12, 2012

Episode #68 - Snakes On A Plane (2006)

Ridley Scott Prometheus news, Top Ten, Finger List as well as what's coming to theaters April 13, 2012. We also review Snakes On A Plane until Joey's PC decided to crap out. Enjoy!

Crocodile Dundee I and II
April 05, 2012

Episode #67 - Crocodile Dundee I and II

We do a late night review of Crocodile Dundee I and II. We've come to the conclusion that we really like Paul Hogan. We also do the Top Ten and Finger List.

The Shrimp On The Barbie (1990)
March 22, 2012

Episode #66 - The Shrimp On The Barbie (1990)

G'day mate! Should I throw another Shrimp On The Barbie for you? Good! We review the Cheech Marin film of the same name, do the Top Ten, The Finger list and a new bit to the show, Haiku/Beat Poetry!

Circuitry Man (1990)
March 15, 2012

Episode #65 - Circuitry Man (1990)

We review the 1990 film Circuitry Man. All while Joey is sick as a dog. We also do the Top Ten and Finger List. This episode almost never happend so enjoy it!

Highway To Hell (1991)
March 01, 2012

Episode #64 - Highway To Hell (1991)

The low budget 90's flick Highway To Hell is reviewed as we do our first live show! The Top ten and Finger List are also covered.

84th Academy Awards Live Coverage
February 26, 2012

Episode #63 - 84th Academy Awards Live Coverage

WARNING: This episode contains harsh language, adult subject matter but most of all two grown men drinking lots of vodka while watching the Oscars. One of those men pukes a lot. Be fair warned!

The Devil and Max Devlin (1981)
February 23, 2012

Episode #62 - The Devil and Max Devlin (1981)

Does Walt Disney want to corrupt the minds of children? Joey and Scott take on these tough questions while reviewing The Devil and Max Devlin. The Top Ten and Finger List are also covered.

Valentine's Day 2012
February 14, 2012

Episode #61 - Valentine's Day 2012

Valentine's Day is upon us! Scott and Joey take a different approach to the much celebrated holiday. We talk about movies that will likely or not likely get you some!

Ghost Dad (1990)
February 02, 2012

Episode #60 - Ghost Dad (1990)

Finally, a movie challenge! Scott and Joey do the much anticipated Ghost Dad, a challenge from Joey to Scott. They also cover the Top Ten and Finger List for the week as well.

2012 Oscar Nominations
January 26, 2012

Episode #59 - 2012 Oscar Nominations

The 2011 Oscar nominations are out! We talk about all the major catagories. Find out what we think!

The Hangover II, Super 8 (2011) The Machinist (2004)
January 19, 2012

Episode #58 - The Hangover II, Super 8 (2011) The Machinist (2004)

Scott and Joey do a What we've been watching episode! We review films like The Hangover II, Super 8, The Machinist, The classic horror comedy House and more!

Sequels, Prequels, Remakes 2012
January 12, 2012

Episode #57 - Sequels, Prequels, Remakes 2012

Listen in as Scott and Joey talk about 2012's sequels. prequels and remakes. Find out what they like and don't like. Also, The Top Ten and Finger List are covered.

January Releases 2012
January 05, 2012

Episode #56 - January Releases 2012

Sucktastic January flicks are here! Find out what we think. Also, The Top Ten, Finger List, our 2012 must see list and politics. For the sake of everyone, we ended that quickly.

The Thing (2011)
December 31, 2011

Episode #55 - The Thing (2011)

Is it a remake? Is it a prequel? These are the hard questions Joey and Scott tackle when reviewing the 2011 film The Thing. Listen in and decide for yourself. Oh and Happy New Year!

Box Office for Dec 23 - Dec 25
December 27, 2011

Episode #54 - Box Office for Dec 23 - Dec 25

What happens when Joey and Scott don't do a top ten for a couple of weeks? It goes for over an hour! This is as close to a Christmas episode as you'll get this year so enjoy!

J.D.'s Revenge (1976)
December 08, 2011

Episode #53 - J.D.'s Revenge (1976)

The spirit of J.D. Walker has taken over Joey when they review the 70's Blaxploitation film J.D.'s Revenge. Listen in as the boys give a full in depth review. "Don't worry, daddy ain't gonna hurt you!" The Top Ten & The Finger List.

11 11 11 (2011)
November 17, 2011

Episode #52 - 11 11 11 (2011)

What kind of film buffs are the boys? Find out! We also review the film 11 11 11 in all its terrible glory. Can we even say that? The Top Ten and Finger list are on the schedule as is another reading from The Terrible game.

Action Jackson (1988)
November 10, 2011

Episode #51 - Action Jackson (1988)

Hot, Hotter, Hottest! Joey and Scott review the so bad it's good Action Jackson. Full of one liners Arnold rejected and a quite creepy Craig T. Nelson to boot. Scott also reads from The Terrible Game.

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